Do you, Boo!

Costume day at school today.
She chose everything about this look herself. She was so happy at drop off and at pickup she was upset.
“Everyone hated my costume! They said my dress is was stupid. Now I feel sad!”
Me: “Do YOU like your costume today?”
“Ya…. I do.”
Me: How do YOU feel when you wear it?
“Good! I love this dress.”
Me: Well that’s what matters most. You do you. It doesn’t matter if other people like your outfit - they can choose the things they love to wear.
“Well… what if they say that again?”
Me: You can just shrug it off and say. “That’s your choice to think that. I love this dress and I feel good in it.” You can even find something nice to say about them because chances are that will help them feel better and when people feel good about themselves, they tend to be more kind to others too.
The moral of this story? Do you, Boo.
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