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Are you settling?

Are you settling for less then you desire? Playing it “safe”? It’s a habit that starts earlier than you might think. I watched my 2 year old daughter yearn to experience the big slide on the bounce house but when she got to the top of it, she froze. It suddenly felt bigger than she had imagined. She didn’t believe she could safely risk trying the fun experience she set out to have so she took the harder and arguably more risky approach of climbing backwards down the ladder.

She went back to the small slide and quietly watched everyone else having the fun she wanted before her fear got in the way. Ironically, she still got knocked over by another kid who didn’t see her on the small slide so she manifested her fear of being hurt even though she chose the smaller “safer” slide.
As adults this looks like climbing down the ladder of beliefs when the experience is harder than we imagined it would be. This looks like “launching” the new program with a few social media posts and an email but then shrinking back in fear when nobody signs up. Giving up on the dream. Or, simply dropping out of something you said you wanted because it was harder and more scary than you thought when the rubber met the road. So… humans learn to habitually “settle” for the smaller thing that feels less scary, but also feels limiting when they see other people fully enjoying the mountain they wanted to conquer.

There’s a cost of living small that is often suppressed. This all boils down to subconscious programs developed in our childhood. In mostly small, unremarkable moments… like these. Repetitively, over time, these moments shape us. The stories we tell ourselves become the habitual way of showing up to our lives unless we learn to overwrite the program loop. Mindset is a game… you vs you. When you know how to play to win, it’s a lot more fun.

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