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What is Mindset Family...

Goodbye meltdowns, hello mellow! Mindset Family is designed to make life feel like a game that everyone can win. Navigate 12 levels of Self awareness with ready-made fun, creative play and valuable life lessons every step of the way. 

Mindset Family is an innovative new approach to personal transformation.  Personifying mindset concepts with children's art, offering creative 'heart therapy' and empowering kids to choose their own adventure makes the journey of growing together feel fun and easy. 
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Premium Package


Top features

  • 12 Lessons of Mindset Family available on demand
  • Access to private community
    & daily Q&A (Monday - Friday)
  • Monthly group coaching calls with replays on demand
  • 3 private one hour 1:1 calls with CJ (Available M-F 10am-4pm PST)
  • FREE access to all workshops and Masterclasses offered by CJ
  • BONUS: Printed copy of Radical Reflection: Creative Mindset Journal created by CJ & Julie
  • BONUS: Printed copy of Radical Reflection KIDS Daily Mindset Journal created by CJ & Julie
  • EARLYBIRD BONUS: Free YOTO MINI screen free audio player for children to play Mindset Family lessons and audiobooks on demand (available for first 10 families to sign up)

Annual Subscription


Most Popular

  • 12 Lessons of Mindset Family available on demand
  • Save $442 compared to monthly subscription & receive BONUS
  • Access to private community
    & daily Q&A (Monday - Friday)
  • Monthly group coaching calls with replays on demand
  • FREE access to 2 workshops or masterclasses offered by CJ
  • 1 hour private 1:1 onboarding call with CJ
  • BONUS: Printed copy of Radical Reflection: Creative Mindset Journal created by CJ & Julie

Monthly Subscription


Top features

  • 12 Lessons of Mindset Family
    (1 lesson unlocked every 30 days)
  • Access to private community
    & daily Q&A (Monday - Friday)
  • Monthly group coaching calls with replays on demand

What clients are saying...

Ann De B. 
Manager & Single Mom

My son was feeling all the bad feelings towards doing his homework today. So instead of arguing or sending him to his room, we did some NSI exercises… And we had fun doing them, homework went smoothly!!! Thank you soooo much for teaching me these tools that bring me closer to my son, and make it fun. I am so very grateful, and looking forward to using them more.

Abby Creek
Entrepreneur & Mom

For so long, we felt like our family would never get out of survival mode, and in one year our lives have completely changed for the better.  CJ's intuition is second to none, and I am in awe of how she navigates this life in such an authentic and inspiring way. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to hold on to CJ’s belief in me as a lifeline. She has a masterful way of re-programming your limiting beliefs to serve your higher self. We will always be grateful for the gifts CJ has shared with us in Mindset Family.

Mikaela Pond
Nurse Practitioner & Mom of 2

Working with CJ helped me to manage the worst acute on chronic back injury and nerve pain that I’ve endured to date; all while improving finances, relationships, and furthering my career. When I started with CJ I was parenting from bed in agonizing pain. I was crying daily, my marriage was angry, my career felt hopeless, I carried $55,000 in debt, I had to give away my animals because I couldn’t care for them. I carried so much guilt and anger. I knew I needed help. Within 3 weeks of working with CJ, I started getting out of bed. Within 2 months I was up making meals for my family again. After 9 months of working with CJ I was exercising daily, graduated physiotherapy, launched a new craft business that donates touques to homeless, paid down $15,000 in debt, raised my grades in grad school by 8% average, and drastically improved my marriage and friendships. Funny thing is every thing started coming with ease. I will continue to work with CJ because she is a phenomenal coach.

Dad of 3 Daughters
& Nurse Practitioner 

Your Neurosomatic drills are exactly the missing thing I needed to not only help myself but also help my patients with trauma. I feel like I've literally discovered a mountain of gold by meeting you!!!!! I want to work with you in the future on some trauma related programs. This stuff is making WAY too much sense and is EXACTLY the thing I needed to REALLY take my patients to the next level.  I'm 10000000% positive your name will be household VERY soon. 

Julie Amlin 
Artist & Mom

Before Mindset Family I was feeling: torn, unsure, uneasy, pressured. Through it I felt: uncomfortable trying to decipher my limiting beliefs. After I found my intuition was always telling me the truth; when I slowed down enough to feel it; the feelings led the way easily. It was my head that was distracting me. Now I can trust the feeling. Always. 

Kelly Chong
Realtor & Mom

CJ is so amazing and intuitive. She asks the right questions to get to the heart of the matter. I was stuck in a place where I was feeling sorry for myself and with one conversation she helped me realize that I can only control myself and the universe is working for me not against me. I started to look for solutions to my problems as opposed to dwelling on them. Thank you CJ! Words cannot express how grateful I am that you are in my life.

Tell me more about Mindset Family...

Goodbye meltdowns, hello mellow! Mindset Family is designed to make life feel like a game that everyone can win. Navigate 12 levels of Self awareness with ready-made fun, creative play and valuable life lessons every step of the way. 

Mindset Family is an innovative new approach to personal transformation.  Personifying mindset concepts with children's art, offering creative 'heart therapy' and empowering kids to choose their own adventure makes the journey of growing together feel fun and easy. 
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